
Friday, 23 August 2013

Blogoversary Countdown Giveway with London Saint James!

Welcome to my Blogoversary countdown Giveaway and thank you for joining me in celebrating!

The amazing London Saint James is here today celebrating with me, and is giving away a PDF version of The Good Sister part 1. If you want to get your hands on this, keep reading!!

Hi London! Hope you're well :)

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m London Saint James, and sometimes I write sweet romance and sometimes naughty romance novels. I’m in love with my hot man, my fat cat, chocolate, and Coca-Cola.

What is the name of the book you are giving away?
The Good Sister

Can you show us the cover and the blurb?

Trinity Lane Winslow feared everything and lived her life vicariously through others. She dreamed of the impossible, yearning to be the kind of woman men desired—especially Reid Addison.
Reid Addison feared nothing, except how the mousey little blonde daughter of his housekeeper made him feel. Even though Trinity Winslow wasn’t his type, there was something intriguing about her.

Lord Ashton Archer lived a fairy tale life with property all over the world, was heir to a ducal dynasty, and had women fawning all over him. Anything a man could want, he obtained by the snap of his fingers.

By a twist of fate the three of them find their way into the same illicit world of the infamous Madam Jacqueline Claudette Rousseau. But will they find what each of them truly desires? Or will they always long for the forbidden?

Be Warned: Voyeurism, anal sex, rimming, spanking, bondage, multiple partners.

Is the book part of a series or do you plan for it to be part of a series?
This book is part one in a two part series.

What made you come up with the idea for this story?
The idea for The Good Sister came from a quote, and blossomed into a two book series. Here’s the quote that started it all:

We always long for the forbidden things, and desire what is denied us.
~Francois Rabelais~

Thank you so much for coming by today London!
You don't have to follow my blog or anything else like that (but I wouldn't mind if you did), all you have to do to enter the giveaway is post a comment WITH your email address and a winner will be picked at random the day after the Blogoversary finishes (29th August 2013). Posting a comment will automatically enter you into the giveaway. Thank peeps and good luck!!!


  1. Thanks for having me, Dee!

    Happy Blogoversary.


  2. I'm a huge London Saint James fan. This story sucked me in and I couldn't stop reading.

    1. I'll have to read it (I know, I should habe already gotten round to it :/)

      Thanks for visiting!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have this on my TBR list.
    Love the cover.
    April J


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Sorry about the Capatcha! I hate it too, but too much spam lately!