
Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Welcome to my Blogoversary countdown Giveaway and thank you for joining me in celebrating!

TODAY IS MY OFFICIAL BLOGOVERSARY! 1 year ago today I started this small blog, and it has grown so much! I can't actually believe how much it has grown over the year, I started this jsut for myself, not expecting anyone to read it, never mind follow it!

I want to thank everyone who has helped me get this far. That includes all my readers and followers, all the wonderful authors who have been so kind to me, and everyone who has helped spread the word of Love Books? Blog books!!

I am giving away a £15 Amazon UK voucher (or if you're in the US I can get one for the equivelant amount in $), and a fantastic Love Books? Blog books! Mug! (The voucher is International but sorry the mug is UK only)

Please make sure to comment and leave your email address (unless I already have it).

Thanks guys, and thank you for celebrating with me!!!!

You don't have to follow my blog or anything else like that (but I wouldn't mind if you did), all you have to do to enter the giveaway is post a comment WITH your email address and a winner will be picked at random the day after the Blogoversary finishes (29th August 2013). Posting a comment will automatically enter you into the giveaway. Thank peeps and good luck!!!


  1. Happy Blogaversary Dee!!!! :) Marie x

  2. Happy Blogoversary! I love reading all your posts and reviews Dee, hope to be here celebrating again with you next year!


Please leave your thoughts! Or just say hi!

Sorry about the Capatcha! I hate it too, but too much spam lately!