
Friday, 25 October 2013

Secrets by Kiru Taye book release blitz!!!

Book Release Blitz
Secrets (Passion Shields, book 2)
Kiru Taye

Contemporary, Interracial, Erotic Romance
Buy Links
RRP: $3.99, Special Offer: $2.99 @ Evernight Publishing | Amazon US | Amazon UK | All Romance eBooks | Bookstrand

Book Sale
Scars is $0.99/£0.77 for a limited period

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Look out for the dramatic conclusion to Benjamin and Selina's story in Scores (Passion Shields, book 3) coming January 2014.


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About Kiru Taye
A lover of books, as a teenager Kiru Taye used to read novels under the blanket during lights-outs in boarding school. These days, with a young family to take care of, she's still sacrificing sleep for the pleasures of a good book.
During the day though, she transforms her wildly vivid imagination into sensual, atmospheric romance stories with passionate characters.
When she’s not writing or reading, she'd hanging out with family and friends or travelling. Born in Nigeria, she currently lives in the UK with husband and children.
You reach her via her blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest
Follow her blog for latest news and giveaways:

Read book excerpts and free short stories on her website:


  1. Replies
    1. No problem Kiru :)

      To answer your question, I don't think couples should have secrets. It can cause too much trouble when it comes out. I trust and love my partner 100% and believe if there's something I feel I can't tell him, then what use is it being in a loving relationship. I know I can tell him anything. That's just my opinion though :)

  2. No, couples should not have secrets :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  3. No, I don't think they should as far as anything that pertains to the relationship or about themselves that involves them as a couple. There are some things that just don't need to be discussed or discussed in too much detail. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Crystal Guidroz

  4. This sounds AMAZINGLY HOT! I will definitely be checking it out! <3

    1. Oh, and to answer the question, I go back and forth on this kind of thing. I think it depends on the secret. I don't think people should keep major life-altering things from one another, but if it is something that has to do with the past that is neither here nor there, then I argue that it isn't really important to share everything.

  5. No they should not have secrets! If you can't be truthful to your other half you probably shouldn't be in that relationship. My husband & I are very truthful about everything, we aren't trying to hurt each other just be respectful.

  6. In general they shouldn't keep secrets, but they also shouldn't say absolutely everything to each other. A little white lie never hurt anyone :D

  7. Only with the little things!

  8. No major secrets, only little ones that can't hurt anyone :)


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