
Sunday, 30 March 2014

***REVIEW*** This Star Will Not Go Out by Esther Earl

This Star Will Not Go Out by Esther Earl

A collection of the journals, fiction, letters, and sketches of the late Esther Grace Earl, who passed away in 2010 at the age of 16. Photographs and essays by family and friends will help to tell Esther’s story along with an introduction by award-winning author John Green who dedicated his #1 bestselling novel The Fault in Our Stars to her.

I grabbed this book the moment I heard about it, and once I picked it up, it was so darn hard to put down.

This book is full of journal entries from Esther's own personal journal, letters from her friends and family, and beautiful photographs. What an amazing book this is.

We read Esther's journal entries from finding out she had cancer, until her very last entry: some funny, some happy, some sad, but all are written with true emotion.

The book starts with an introduction by author John Green, who dedicated his book (The Fault in our Stars) to Esther after meeting her and befriending her at a Harry Potter Fan conference. The introduction is very sweet and describes what a lovely friendship he had with Esther. 

The letters from her family and friends are very touching, reading these you can tell she was loved a great deal. Her Eulogy is also in there, who was written and read by her father. If you can get through it without and tears, you are stronger than I am!

I have to say I laughed and cried during this book, many tears fell. A beautiful book, and I'd recommend it to everyone.

***** 5 STARS

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Giveaway and excerpt from author Violet Blue, Kissing: A Field Guide

Kissing is an art form. Bestselling author and columnist Violet Blue demonstrates how to become an expert in the field with a whole host of different tricks and tips inside this handy guide. Each chapter allows readers to choose - and perfect - their very own unforgettable kissing style. From learning how to time a kiss perfectly, how to deliver (and receive) a first kiss, and how to ask for kisses with body language, this guide has first base well and truly covered. Readers will discover all the secrets and fool proof techniques to becoming a sensual smoocher.


Types of Kisses:

The First Kiss
The most talked about, written about, and stressed about kiss on the planet, the First Kiss is the stuff that fond memories are made of. Or scary urban legends. It’s usually thought of as the first kiss between would-be lovers but it can sometimes happen so spontaneously that it’s as if you’re not in control—the body is having its own fun while the brain spins its wheels in giddy confusion. A first kiss is a romantic kiss, and if it’s shared between friends, it can change everything.

The Goodnight Kiss
At the end of the evening, when you and your date are about to part ways, it’s time for the Goodnight Kiss. Sometimes this is the much-anticipated First Kiss, though it can also be a sweet thank-you for a nice evening, or a kiss known as the
Taste of What’s to Come. All humanoids know that a Good-night Kiss can turn into so much more. That’s why we like it. When this kiss is shared between friends who feel a spark of attraction beneath all that friendship mumbo jumbo, we see just how close two friends can get. If you want to stay neutral yet let him know you like him more than a pat on the back, a well-placed Goodnight Kiss lands on the cheek. If you want to send a direct message that you’re attracted, plant a light one on the lips.

The Romantic Kiss
Everything is perfect—or not—for this intimate and compelling kiss. Romance is so much more than the setting—you can have a romantic kiss in a beautiful garden on a summer’s day or at a bus stop in a crappy neighbor-hood. What matters is the intimacy, the connection, and the rose-colored glasses. When you both feel hot for each other and the whole world melts away, it’s a Romantic Kiss, no matter where you are, who’s watching, or what’s going on around you. This kiss is all about the two of you, and it makes you the only two people in the world.

The Good-bye Kiss
This can be the fondest farewell, or the kiss-off, depending on how your date went. As a parting gesture it can be sweet and romantic, nervous and exciting, or a final sayonara that can be bittersweet or cold. Typically a kiss on the lips, it can also be a kiss on the cheek or forehead if you don’t know him very well or want to keep your friendship within limits. Usually the “good-bye” is said while delivering the kiss—but some sneaky dates might turn the Good-bye Kiss on the cheek into a Romantic Kiss with a quick turn of the head. Be on guard!

The Sweetheart Kiss
Light like a butterfly, yet it sends electric shocks up and down his spine—this kiss is delivered sweetly and packs a punch. This is one of the more erotically potent kisses without getting too naughty. The Sweetheart Kiss is a style of kiss that can be delivered anywhere, anytime you want to focus his attraction to you. These are light, full-mouthed kisses, but with no tongue, planted on any exposed part of the body that looks inviting. Push your lips forward slightly, but keep them soft (and your mouth closed). Purse your lips, then press evenly with your upper and lower lip at the same time. These kisses should linger for only a moment or two, no more than the length of a full breath. After that, move to another technique or pull back. If you linger for a second, move your head slightly (instead of your lips) for a variation.

The Lusty Kiss
This is much like a Sweetheart Kiss, but with more pressure, and you linger as long as you want—make it last, and it’ll be lusty. In addition, use your hands on his face, neck, and hair (unless he’s a male model), and include subtle movements of your head—but no tongue yet. This is the kiss that lights his fire, a nice transition from Sweetheart-kissing to French-kissing (see below), and it says that you’re ready to do more than peck each other on the lips or cheeks. Give this one when you’re ready to really show ’em you want ’em bad, and you’re willing to be bad to get what you want.

Follow Violets fantastic blog at her webiste here
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Demelza Carlton chats about how she came up with the story behind her books.

So you may be like me and wonder where and how authors come up with their stories. Well Demelza Carlton is here today telling us how she came up with the story for 'Welcome To Hell' and 'See You in Hell'! I must admit, I giggled  :D


Now That's Dedication

For all my fellow commuters, corporate and civil workers.
May you never be inspired by a stranger’s briefcase.
  • Dedication at the front of Welcome to Hell by Demelza Carlton

I'd just finished what felt like the work day from Hell – working through my lunchbreak to meet an urgent deadline that only appeared that morning. The clock hit five and I raced for the train station and home.
The platform was packed and the train was five minutes away, but I squeezed my way through to the front, hoping I'd make that train so I could get home sooner to relax. Rushing air in the tunnel and brightening lights heralded my electric train chariot home and everyone moved closer, dying to board. The crush inside the carriage was nothing compared to what we were in outside.
"I survived the London tube every day. No worries getting on this!" a bloke behind me boasted. I thought of the trains in Osaka and Tokyo, but the sardine tin trains were the same in Perth.
Doors opened right in front of me and I slid in, an expert eel. So did a dozen other people behind me – but not Mr London Tube Survivor. We left him on the platform as the doors slid shut and the train accelerated.
And abruptly stopped.
All the standing passengers teetered dangerously, but we sardines were too closely packed to fall, so we all straightened up together and grabbed for better handholds to stop it happening again.
As I straightened, I felt something cold and solid slide up my skirt. Higher and higher…until the corner of the briefcase was wedged between my cheeks.
I thought of stomping on the pervert's foot and breaking his toes, but I realised the briefcase would only go higher first and that would hurt. Instead, I turned my head to glare at the prick instead.
I came face to face with a harassed-looking elderly man that I vaguely knew, who gave me a look of long-suffering patience, and I realised HE DIDN'T KNOW HIS BRIEFCASE WAS UP MY BUM.
I had two choices:
  1. Ask him to remove his briefcase, letting the hundred or so people in earshot know that I'd allowed a stranger to stick something up my arse and possibly let the poor man be mobbed for a mistake.
  2. Suffer in silence and hope I could walk off the stiffness in five minutes' time when I disembarked from the train.
I endured the five minutes in painful silence and walked stiffly home, reflecting that only an angel could put up with what I had that day.
That night, I wrote the first three chapters of my Mel Goes to Hell series – about an angel working as a temp in the HELL Corporation, Lucifer's attempt to take over the world, one privatised government department at a time.
Inspiration can come from anywhere. Mine was painful and came from below. I hope you derive some enjoyment from it. I still ache at the memory. 

The series book trailer:

Welcome to Hell (FREE) purchase links:

Author bio:

Demelza Carlton has always loved the ocean, but on her first snorkelling trip she found she was afraid of fish.
She has since swum with sea lions, sharks and sea cucumbers and stood on spray drenched cliffs over a seething sea as a seven-metre cyclonic swell surged in, shattering a shipwreck below.
Demelza now lives in Perth, Western Australia, the shark attack capital of the world.
The Ocean's Gift series is her first foray into fiction, followed by her suspense thriller Nightmares trilogy. She swears the Mel Goes to Hell series ambushed her on a crowded train and wouldn't leave her alone.

Links to me:

Google +:

Thursday, 20 March 2014

London Saint James book Tour: Dark Tales Diaries 1 & 2! ***REVIEW***

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Evernight Publishing | All Romance eBooks | Bookstrand | B&N

London Saint James has lived in many places, but never felt “at home” until she met the real-life man of her dreams and settled down in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. London lives with her husband and their fat cat who thinks he owns them. As an award-winning, bestselling, multi-published author, London is living her childhood dream. She knew all the scribbling she did, that big imagination of hers, and all those clamoring characters running around in her head would pay off someday.

Twitter: @LSJRomance 

Where do your ideas come from?
My inspiration comes from many different sources. Music, a place I’ve been, artwork, conversations I’ve had, even dreams...

What kind of writer are you?
I’m not really a writer who outlines plots. I’m a panster. I go where the characters tell me to.
How do you balance life and writing?
Balance. Hmm. What’s that? LOL. I haven’t achieved structure or balance in my writing habits, and many times the busy dealings of life gets in the way of my writing time. I don’t allot any certain amount of time to write. If I did that, keeping a tight daily schedule, it would seem odd. I tend to write, more often than not, at willy-nilly times and live my life as it comes. *Smiles*
What drives you to write?
The love of it. I love to lose myself in the worlds I create. I love to write, and it really is that simple.
Tell us about the experience of writing the Dark Tales Diaries.
I had so much fun writing Dark Tales Diaries and that experience continues as I am starting to work on book three. This BDSM series of short stories sparked from a casual conversation with the love of my life. Two words, “Dark Tales,” poked at me. From there, I sat down and typed non-stop. Dark Tales Diaries: Volume 1 and the life of Tristan Blackthorn spilled out upon the “pages” of my laptop.
What is your favorite thing about writing?
The creative process and the freedom to let my imagination run wild.
And what is your least favorite?
Reading bad reviews. But reviews are all subjective. What one person hates, someone else might love.
Tell us about one of your own writing quirks.
I can’t sit at a proper desk when I write. That drives me crazy.
As an author, what scares you the most?
Death and taxes! *Giggles*
Okay, let me think about that question a second...
I’m not sure I’d call it being scared, more like a concern that I can keep my stories new and interesting. Just being able to stay relevant in the world of romance writers, I suppose.
Which authors most influenced your writing?
I can’t say that my writing has been influenced by other authors, because I tend to write like I write (how I feel comfortable writing) but I do have several authors that I like to read and think their writing style and imaginations are pretty awesome. Here’s just a few; Megan Hart, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Charlaine Harris, Gena Showalter, Sarah McCarty, Julia London. A whole bunch of fellow authors from my publishers. I could go on and on, and on.
What’s next for London Saint James?
March 17th I have a new release coming from Roane Publishing. My story, The Shamrock Incident will be part of their For the Love of Murphy anthology. It is a sweet romance based around bad luck (Murphy’s Law).
I also have several WIP’s I’m working on and a few deadline projects that are keeping me fairly busy writing.
Who’s your biggest fan?
My sexy man. He’s always been my number one fan. *Smiles*


Dark Tales Diaries 1
I liked this book of sexy shorts. It starts with Tristan explaining to his sister that yes he will keep writing these dark tale diaries in an attempt to find a long lost love of his. I liked this idea a lot. The book then moves onto the 3 short stories in Tristan's Diaries, and by golly gosh are they hot!! Steamy sexy stories to warm your insides. The first being a nice story about a Dom finding her true self, the second a story of a lonely woman trying to find an orgasm with a blind date, and the third an interesting story or passion and need between a Dom and a computer geek :)

Dark Tales Diaries 2
I moved onto book 2 straight from book 1. This is more of Tristan's stories from readers, since book 1 sold so well, but he still isn't sure whether his lost love is one of them. In this there are again 3 shorts: A professor asks his assistant up to the rooftop lab one night, and together they see something rather interesting through the telescope. A shy lady is invited to a party of a well known neighbour, and he helps her cross off some things on her to do list. And lastly a cellist's friend helps her find a way to really draw into her inner music :)

I really enjoyed these books from London Saint James, I loved the idea of reading a book about a book if you know what I mean. I hope she's writing book 3 :)

Monday, 17 March 2014

Author Interview with London Saint James. For the Love of Murphy.

Sometimes it pays to be unlucky...

Marissa Carmichael wasn’t usually a klutz, but she was having a bad day, in a hurry, and lost her balance. It was too late to catch herself. Arms flailing, her forehead connected with the side of the display. She crumbled down beside it like a limp noodle one minute, and was in the arms of a handsome stranger the next.

Trey Cleary didn’t think his day could get any worse, but after picking up his side view mirror from the ground, he was wrong. On a mission to do something about it, he located the flower shop that matched the name on the back of the van that mangled his BMW and went inside to inform the owner of the issue, only he was sidetracked by a beautiful woman who burst into the room like an out of control whirling dervish. For such a petite looking person she made a huge entrance, and then took one mother of a wipeout. After going to the woman’s aid, Trey realized there was something alluring about her that made him want to be her own personal hero.

For Marissa and Trey, this just might be the one time it pays to be unlucky.


Please tell us a little about yourself
I’m London Saint James, and I have a lot of characters rattling around in my head so I write about them. Sometimes I write sweet romance and sometimes I write naughty romance novels. I’m in love with my hot man, my fluffy fat cat, anything chocolate, and Coca-Cola.

How did you come up with the idea for your book?
I saw a submission call with Roane Publishing for a sweet romance anthology called, For the Love of Murphy, were the theme for the stories were to be based around bad luck (Murphy’s Law) and I knew I had to write something becuase I loved that concept. The idea for my story, The Shamrock Incident just followed along well with what Roane was looking for. So the idea sparked from that submission call.

When did the characters first pop into your head?
I’m pretty sure Marissa Carmichael had been lingering around in my thoughts for a while, and when I decided to go for the Murphy’s Law theme, she was kicking and ready to go

Without giving away any spoilers, was the story always straight forward for you to write, or did it pop up any surprises along the way? 
The first part of the story was pretty straight forward. Marissa is having a horrible day, has a huge klutz moment, and takes a tumble. There was a surprise along the way. My original ending changed during the edits process, and I’m happy with the way things turned out.

Where do you like to write?
I write using my trusty old laptop while flopped in a comfortable chair, stretch out on my couch, or even lounging across my bed.

Do you read a lot?

I really try to. I love to read, but I don’t read as much as I use to. I find my own writing takes a lot of time away from lesiure reading, although I sneak a few books in here and there. *Smiles*

Who are some of your favourite authors?
This is a hard one because it is a very long list. This is just a few. Megan Hart, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Charlaine Harris, Gena Showalter, Sarah McCarty, Julia London. A whole bunch of fellow authors from my publishers. I could go on and on, and on.

And last but not least, have you any words of wisdom for aspiring writers out there?
Write what you love. What you find inspiring. Read as much as you can. Find someone wonderful to bounce ideas off of. Grow a thick skin, and don’t let negativity get you down. Keep yourself in your work, and keep on writing.

Marissa slammed the handset back onto the receiver and swiped her palms along the front of her jeans, leaving a trail of green sparkle smeared down her thighs, before she hurried to the propped open door to the shop.
Hello?” A deep male voice echoed. “Is anyone here?”
I’ll be right with you!” She slipped on one of the paper shamrock decorations. As she righted herself, her left foot came down dead center on the tape. “Son of a biscuit eater.” She kicked the shamrock free of her path and, half bent over, started hopping, right knee crooked, foot up, trying to grab the sticky, smooshed wad from the bottom of her shoe.
Her long hair swirled around her face and mouth. She reached for the tape with one hand, swiped the rogue strands back with her other, freeing her vision—doing what she imagined looked like some odd version of a modern interpretive dance—then lost her balance just as she hopped, stumbled, tumbled through the open door and into the store.
Arms flailing, her forehead connected with the side of the display case that was chock-full of silk flowers. She crumpled down beside it like a limp noodle.
She thought someone said something, except she couldn’t be sure. She tried to concentrate.
The phone was ringing.
Just my luck.
The sound stopped. Started. Stopped…
Maybe, since she was seeing stars and her head was pounding to beat the band, the intermittent trill came from deep inside her skull.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

***REVIEW*** As Dreams Are Made On by Faberge Nostromo

As Dreams Are Made On by +Faberge Nostromo 
A stricken starship, a captain lost in space; a beautiful alien girl, marooned and adrift in time; the perfect robotic servant. Can he help them come together and find the space and time for love? Her starship, Prospero, out of control and hurtling toward an uncharted world, Captain Jane Ferdinand takes to the escape pods. Finding herself alone on an island, the last thing she expects to find is love.
Miranda, marooned since a baby with only her father, Jacques-Pierre, and their ultra-adaptable android servant, R.E.L, spends her time exploring her father's books and dreaming of love. And on a night when a mysterious shooting star flashes across the horizon, she finally makes full use of R.E.L.'s adaptability to explore her emerging desires—desires that, with gentle guidance from Captain Ferdinand, help her discover her awakening sexuality.
But can her dreams and their love survive when R.E.L.'s gender adaptability threatens to come between them and Captain Ferdinand uncovers the secret that her father has kept from Miranda for twenty years?

I remember Faberge's first book coming out (His Secret Dancer), and I really loved it. So when I heard he had a second book coming out, I was listening very closely for a release date :) 

As Dreams Are Made On is a short book and it didn't take me long to read it. I really enjoyed it, the story of 2 people stranded, coming together (pardon the pun :p), and falling in love.

Miranda and her father have been stranded alone on an island for many years, in fact as long as Miranda can remember. But when a stranger appears,  Miranda finds things aren't as they seem.
I liked the connection between Miranda and Captain Jane. Jane had been longing for intimacy with another female, and Miranda really wanted intimacy with anyone, as she had never met anyone but her father before. The scene with R.E.L and Miranda is totally something right for a sci-fi story, so very well done with that Mr Nostromo!

The story was nice, sweet. The sex was hot, and the characters were very likable. 

**** 4 stars

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

A Day in the Life of... Amanda Leigh!!!

Thanks so much to +Amanda Leigh for joining me today and doing an 'A Day in the Life of' post. 

Take it away Amanda :)

 A Day in the Life of Amanda Leigh 
The interesting thing about writing this post is that hardly any of my days ever look exactly the same. The other interesting thing is this: you likely came to this post just looking for a day in the life of an author. What you will find is a day in the life of an author who also happens to have an extremely rare chronic condition that, as much as she would prefer that it didn’t, affects most areas of her life. But on top of those two things, I am also a fiancée, a daughter, a cook (at lunch and dinner), a pet parent/cat lover, a lover of doing art, and many other things. So let me try to give you a peek into a day in my life.
8:30 a. m.: My alarm goes off and I roll over and take my medicines. Then I usually end up going back to bed for a little while. During the night I’m up anywhere between every 1 to 2 hours.
9:30 a. m.: Ideally this is when I will wake up and get my day started. I’m usually not hungry in the morning because the night time feeding that I get through a kangaroo pump makes me nasaus. But I do often grab some chocolate milk – I love chocolate milk. 
10:00 a. m.: I get dressed, brush my hair, all of that good stuff. Sometimes I’ll also journal or read for a while before I get started with everything. I also go over my to do list for the day. (I have one for almost every day).
10:30 a. m.: On a day where things are going as planned this is when I will take all of my syringes, my liquid medicine bottle (a water bottle filled with medicine that I drink), my pill pouches (pouches that had pills in them that I had to take), and my two water containers from the night out to the kitchen. Then I start the process of cleaning and refilling these things. Ideally, I will also crush my pills for that night and measure out the liquid to fill my feeding bag then.
11:00 a. m.: I check on all of the social media that I have going on, try to reply to any comments that I’ve missed, and things like this. Every other day I try to do my 2 mile walk DVD. (Walking outside is rather difficult for me, especially during the winter. I really love swimming for exercise). If this is a day that I’m not doing that I start my other work. This goes from 11:00-12:00 and can vary from day to day. Right now I’m working on several different things. So here it goes.
11:00 a. m. – 12:00 p. m.: Check, reply and clean out e-mails. Sort it into appropriate folders. Add those new pages to my blogs. Write a character background for a minor character in my new book. In between this take my 11:30 medicines.
12:00 – 1:00 p. m.: I make and eat lunch. Sometimes I’ll do a little journaling or reading here. Or sometimes, I’ll watch a YouTube video with my lunch. Or have lunch over Skype with my fiancé.
1:00 – 2:30 p. m.: Keep working. Write that other character background for a central character in my next book. (This often takes significantly longer because these are much more in depth for me). Then I’ll go ahead and work on rewriting those five or so chapters in the new book in the Point of View that I’ve decided on. (With the help of my critique partner). (Oh, I very much enjoy listening to music while I write and I’m working on a playlist specifically for this book). If I get very into this this can easily take me to the 2:30 mark. If I’m lucky, I’ll also be done with the rewrite.
2:30 – 3:00 p. m.: Take my 2:30 medicines and give myself a little while to rest. These medicines often give me an upset stomach and make me lethargic so I give myself a little while to rest.
3:00 – 5:00 p m.: Back to work! Now, I’ll work on implementing the edits for the third draft of my romance novella. I’m almost done and just have to go over a few more things and add something in. After that, I have to send it off for some fine tune edits. If my rewrites for the first five chapters of my next book aren’t done, I’ll work on those. If they are, or when I’m done, I’ll calculate how many words per day I have to write for April Camp NaNoWriMo – which is when I’m writing the first draft of this book. Perhaps I’ll also do some research into blog designers since I’m looking to give my blog a makeover.
5:00 – 5:30 p. m.: I’ll wrap up anything that I’m doing (usually). I might check my e-mail a second time and respond to anything that needs my attention.
5:30 – 9:00 p. m.: I’ll take my 5:30 medicines, make dinner, eat dinner. Then I’ll relax. Which includes anything from reading blog posts, watching a show (Lost is my favorite), or just browsing for recipes. I try to be in my room by 9:00.
9:00 – 10:00 p. m.: I’m on Skype with my fiancé.
10:00 – 11:00 p. m.: I read or sometimes journal. I try to go to bed at 11:00 but it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes I’ll do my 11:30 p.m. medicines early or go to bed early so I get more sleep before I need to do them.
Then throughout the night there are also my 2:30 a. m. medicines and numerous times when I’m up. Oh, and of course my cat, Sawyer, vies for my attention throughout the day. He’s very cuddly. Then I get up and repeat! (With other things thrown in. Doctor’s appointments, blood work, a few outings, et cetera). Though not necessarily the same thing every day. 

Amanda Leigh is a recent college graduate with a BA in English and Communications and a double minor in Psychology and Creative Writing. During college, she worked on the literary magazine and loved every minute of it. She has two poetry collections out so far with another project due out in 2014. She lives with her mom and a kitten named Sawyer – named after one of her favorite characters on Lost. She’s engaged to a man with the same rare chronic condition as her (Nephropathic Cystinosis). Amanda enjoys reading, writing avidly in a journal, writing poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction, cooking and art – particularly photography. She also keeps up two blogs. On one she posts all about books and writing, and on the other she talks about everything else (medical experiences, music, about her and her fiancé etc.), Amanda is a bit of a chocoholic and is slightly obsessed with office supplies. She has many ideas for stories so keep an eye out for more work from her.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Tall, Dark and Alpha Box Set release!!!!!!!!!

Meet the Author:
Afton Locke is a multi-published erotic romance author who prefers romantic fantasies to everyday reality. Fantasies take her everywhere--from other worlds and races to the top of a corporate desk. She lives with her husband, dog, several unnamed dust bunnies, and a black cat that can be scary or cuddly, depending on the current book. When she’s not writing, Afton enjoys hiking, cooking, crafts, and reading. Visit her at Ellora’s Cave and
Dawn Montgomery loves to write almost as much as she loves to read. She has traveled the world twice over. While her days were filled with long hours and hard work, her nights were left for dark, lustful fantasies in and out of strange hotels and cities.
Alaska and Texas are the places she calls home. She recently moved from the frigid North to Texas with her family and neurotic dog. It was tragic to leave behind the moose and bear for wide open plains and sexy cowboys.
Delaney Diamond writes sweet and sensual romance novels and is the site manager of Romance Novels in Color, where diversity in romance is celebrated. Originally from the U.S. Virgin Islands, she now lives in Atlanta, Georgia. In her spare time she reads romance novels, mysteries, thrillers, and a fair amount of non-fiction. When she's not reading or writing she's trying out new recipes or traveling to an interesting locale. Find free reads and the first chapter of all her books at
Eve Langlais Hello, my name is Eve, a Canadian mom who works full time as an author. In between juggling my three kids, hubby, and housework, I pen steamy romance--usually with shifters, cyborgs or aliens lol. I love to write, and while I don't always know what my mind is going to come up with next, I can promise it will be fun, probably humorous and most of all romantic, because I love a HEA.
Eve Vaughn has always enjoyed creating characters and stories from an early age. As a child she was always getting into mischief, so when she lost her television privileges (which was often), writing served as her outlet. Her stories have gotten quite a bit spicier since then! When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, Eve is reading, baking, traveling or kicking butt in 80’s trivia. She lives in the Philadelphia area where the love is brotherly and the cheese steaks are plenty.
Farrah Rochon, award-winning author of the popular Holmes Brothers series, hails from a small town just west of New Orleans. She has garnered much acclaim for her New York Sabers football series for Harlequin's Kimani Romance imprint. She has been nominated for the prestigious RITA Award from Romance Writers of America and an RT BOOKReviews Reviewer's Choice Award. She spends way too much money on chocolate and Broadway shows.
Koko Brown is a quintessential erotic romance junkie. Koko's writing career began at the tender age of nine when she self-published and distributed a newspaper to her fellow classmates. Unfortunately, her principal put her out of business after one best-selling issue. Undaunted, she continued to write and read everything she could get her hands on until she published her first erotic novel in 2007. When not writing or reading, Koko loves to travel, shop in thrift stores, ride motorcycles, and serving as a volunteer.
PAIGE TYLER is a USA TODAY bestselling author of sexy, romantic fiction. She and her very own military hero (also known as her husband) live on the beautiful Florida coast with their adorable fur baby (also known as their dog). Paige graduated with a degree in education, but decided to pursue her passion and write books about hunky alpha males and the kick-butt heroines who fall in love with them. Find her books at Ellora's Cave, Blushing Books, and Sourcebooks. She is represented by Bob Mecoy.
Randi Alexander USA Today Bestselling Author Randi Alexander  knows a modern woman dreams of an alpha cowboy who takes the reins, and guarantees they’re rode hard and put up satisfied.
Published with Cleis Press, Wild Rose Press, and self-published, Randi writes smokin' hot romance with heroes who'll have you begging to ride off into the sunset with them. When she's not dreaming of, or writing about, rugged cowboys, Randi is biking trails along remote rivers, snorkeling the Gulf of Mexico, or practicing her drumming in hopes of someday forming a tropical rock-band.
Forever an adventurous spirit with a naughty imagination, Randi is also family oriented and married to the best guy in the world, her own cowboy, Kick. Give in to the allure of erotic passion, strong but vulnerable heroines, and irresistibly seductive cowboys, as Randi's emotional love stories sweep you off your feet and leave you breathless with passion.
Saddle up! And prepare yourself for the sexier side of happily ever after.
Randi Alexander loves to connect with her readers! Say "Howdy" at, sign up for her newsletter at, and fall head over spurs for her cowboys at
Sam Cheever An award-winning author of 50+ books of romantic suspense and fantasy/paranormal, Sam’s books have won the Dream Realm Award for fantasy and The Swirl (interracial romance) Award; have been nominated and/or won several CAPAs; were nominated for “Best of” with LRC and The Romance Reviews; and have won eCataromance’s Reviewer’s Choice award. She’s published with Ellora’s Cave, both Romantica and Blush; Changeling Press; and Musa Publishing. Sam also publishes as Declan Sands, writing m/m fiction, and under her own imprint, Electric Prose Publications.

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Friday, 7 March 2014

Cassandra Giovanni 'Flawless Perfection' release!!!

Flawed Perfection

Author: Cassandra Giovanni

Publisher: Show N'ot Tell Publishing

Release Date: March 7, 2014


Bobby Beckerson was the American All-Star hockey player--he was the spitting image of perfection to his family. Goofy, sweet and undeniably gorgeous, he had everything but the one girl he wanted: River Ahlers.
River Ahlers is successful in everything but love. She's been in love with Adam Beckerson since they were kids. Worst of all she's stuck right in the middle of the brother's dueling over everything and anything, and she doesn't even know she's the ultimate prize.

Adam Beckerson was a boy with a guitar, a smile that sunk girl's hearts and a stone wall around his own. He was anything but perfect, and no matter how hard he tried he was nothing compared to Bobby. Sweet, damaged, with boyish good-looks, nobody thought Adam loved anyone but himself.

Bobby loved River, River loved Adam and Adam only loved himself--or so everyone thought. Then one night everything changes, and as it threatens to destroy everyone involved a tragedy strikes that will break them all...

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