
Thursday, 20 March 2014

London Saint James book Tour: Dark Tales Diaries 1 & 2! ***REVIEW***

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London Saint James has lived in many places, but never felt “at home” until she met the real-life man of her dreams and settled down in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. London lives with her husband and their fat cat who thinks he owns them. As an award-winning, bestselling, multi-published author, London is living her childhood dream. She knew all the scribbling she did, that big imagination of hers, and all those clamoring characters running around in her head would pay off someday.

Twitter: @LSJRomance 

Where do your ideas come from?
My inspiration comes from many different sources. Music, a place I’ve been, artwork, conversations I’ve had, even dreams...

What kind of writer are you?
I’m not really a writer who outlines plots. I’m a panster. I go where the characters tell me to.
How do you balance life and writing?
Balance. Hmm. What’s that? LOL. I haven’t achieved structure or balance in my writing habits, and many times the busy dealings of life gets in the way of my writing time. I don’t allot any certain amount of time to write. If I did that, keeping a tight daily schedule, it would seem odd. I tend to write, more often than not, at willy-nilly times and live my life as it comes. *Smiles*
What drives you to write?
The love of it. I love to lose myself in the worlds I create. I love to write, and it really is that simple.
Tell us about the experience of writing the Dark Tales Diaries.
I had so much fun writing Dark Tales Diaries and that experience continues as I am starting to work on book three. This BDSM series of short stories sparked from a casual conversation with the love of my life. Two words, “Dark Tales,” poked at me. From there, I sat down and typed non-stop. Dark Tales Diaries: Volume 1 and the life of Tristan Blackthorn spilled out upon the “pages” of my laptop.
What is your favorite thing about writing?
The creative process and the freedom to let my imagination run wild.
And what is your least favorite?
Reading bad reviews. But reviews are all subjective. What one person hates, someone else might love.
Tell us about one of your own writing quirks.
I can’t sit at a proper desk when I write. That drives me crazy.
As an author, what scares you the most?
Death and taxes! *Giggles*
Okay, let me think about that question a second...
I’m not sure I’d call it being scared, more like a concern that I can keep my stories new and interesting. Just being able to stay relevant in the world of romance writers, I suppose.
Which authors most influenced your writing?
I can’t say that my writing has been influenced by other authors, because I tend to write like I write (how I feel comfortable writing) but I do have several authors that I like to read and think their writing style and imaginations are pretty awesome. Here’s just a few; Megan Hart, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Charlaine Harris, Gena Showalter, Sarah McCarty, Julia London. A whole bunch of fellow authors from my publishers. I could go on and on, and on.
What’s next for London Saint James?
March 17th I have a new release coming from Roane Publishing. My story, The Shamrock Incident will be part of their For the Love of Murphy anthology. It is a sweet romance based around bad luck (Murphy’s Law).
I also have several WIP’s I’m working on and a few deadline projects that are keeping me fairly busy writing.
Who’s your biggest fan?
My sexy man. He’s always been my number one fan. *Smiles*


Dark Tales Diaries 1
I liked this book of sexy shorts. It starts with Tristan explaining to his sister that yes he will keep writing these dark tale diaries in an attempt to find a long lost love of his. I liked this idea a lot. The book then moves onto the 3 short stories in Tristan's Diaries, and by golly gosh are they hot!! Steamy sexy stories to warm your insides. The first being a nice story about a Dom finding her true self, the second a story of a lonely woman trying to find an orgasm with a blind date, and the third an interesting story or passion and need between a Dom and a computer geek :)

Dark Tales Diaries 2
I moved onto book 2 straight from book 1. This is more of Tristan's stories from readers, since book 1 sold so well, but he still isn't sure whether his lost love is one of them. In this there are again 3 shorts: A professor asks his assistant up to the rooftop lab one night, and together they see something rather interesting through the telescope. A shy lady is invited to a party of a well known neighbour, and he helps her cross off some things on her to do list. And lastly a cellist's friend helps her find a way to really draw into her inner music :)

I really enjoyed these books from London Saint James, I loved the idea of reading a book about a book if you know what I mean. I hope she's writing book 3 :)


  1. Thanks for the reviews. I both a plotter and pantser- I know seems weird but truthfully it depends on the day.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to review my books. :) Book 3 is in the works.

  3. Great review! Thanks for sharing, Dee.


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