
Check out my Ink :)

Since I'm rather addicted to tattoos, I thought I'd showcase them all here! I'll keep adding as I go, as I'm not going to stop anytime soon!

 1. I got this one when I was 18, I saw it in the tattoo shop and loved it.  A pink moon and 3 pink stars.

2. Blue wings and a star. Again another I saw in the tattoo shop that I really liked.

 3. My other half name in chinese across the bottom of my back.

4. A pink and black njautical star on the inside of my left wrist. Love it, although it's fading a bit now so will need re-doing.

 5. My daughters name on the inside of my left wrist
6. My sons name on the inside of my right wrist

7. 21 stars down the left side of my back. I hope to get this extended soon too :)

8. A lovely quote about Autism, which I thought fit my family jsut right. It's on the inside of my right arm.

 9.  A Freesia flower and the word 'Grandma' under it. I got this for my grandma who passed away in 2004 to cancer. She was fantastic, and Freesias were her favourite flowers.

 10. 2 butterflies and a dragonfly on the front of my right shoulder.

11. Music notes and the words to 'Blue Eyes' by Elton John. I got this for my Dad as he always says this reminds him of me as I'm his blue eyed child :)

12. The words 'It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that'. From the mouth of the wonderful Dumbledore! It's on the side of my leg.


13. I had my butterflies covered over again as they were fading a bit. Can you tell the difference?!

14. I had the stars on my back extended over my shoulder :D

15. 'Love's The Only Rule' across the outside of my right arm. Bon Jovi lyrics that ring so true :)
16. The first sitting for my sleeve! 2 lillies and a butterfly.

17. The second sitting of my sleeve. 2 more butterflies and 2 more lillies.

18. Third sitting of my sleeve. All the background and some shading on the lillies. Looking good so far right?!!

19. Last sitting for my sleeve! It's done for now, but in the future I may get more added to it :)

 20. Tinkerbell outline and quote on the inside of my lower left arm


  1. Wow Dee! I love all of your tats!! Especially your autism one and the stars on your back. Awesome :-)

    1. Thanks Megan! :)

      Im there again on Thursday getting the Harry Potter one I told you about :D

  2. Just wow! They look beautiful. I'm curious. Is there anywhere you wouldn't put a tattoo?

    1. Thanks Kiru :)

      I wouldn't have any on my face. That's about it really! I have them on my arms, legs, chest and back! Oh actually, I wouldn't tattoo my butt, thats not something anyone wants to see lol! X

  3. Wow, nice tattoos! I love the stars down your back and the flower sleeve is gorgeous. :)


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